

+31 58 2154288

Van der Ploeg International BV is one of the leading exporters of first class Holstein Friesian pedigree cattle from The Netherlands. Our expertise covers the whole field of dairy farming. Starting with the delivery of pregnant heifers, young stock, fresh milk cows and breeding bulls.

The Holstein Friesian breed finds its origin in the Dutch province Friesland, the same province as where Van der Ploeg International has its head office. From this province, the famous cattle have been exported all over the world.

The Holstein Friesian breed is well-known for the highest lifetime milk production in the world (>30.000 kg milk / lifetime) in combination with a high fat- and protein content. The breeding goals are high productive, durable and healthy dairy cows with strong legs and sound udder.

In close cooperation with the buyers’ selection committee, Van der Ploeg International BV will select the animals to the customers’ specifications. Selection will take place at the farm of origin or in our export stables.